Do you like to make videos that help promote your brand and educate your target consumer? If so, that's terrific! Uploading your informational videos to Youtube is a great way to build your channel, earn new customers, and create a subscriber list.
But there's another great way to get value from your video, and that's to post it to your blog, complete with a transcription.
Here's a sample:
First, we uploaded this fertility diet tips video for a client of ours on Youtube.
Then, we transcribed the video and posted it to their blog.
As you can see, within the transcription of the video on the blog site, we linked to their main website, providing a referral traffic stream and a relevant back link, which helps to build authority.
Once you've got your automation dialed in from your blog to your social media, then you'll be syndicating your content all over the web!
How are you using video to help your business grow? Do you have any advice you want to share?